employee benefits management consultant

We'll look after the day-to-day running of all your employee benefits

Combining the expertise of our Employee Benefits Customer Service team and the power of AllMyBenefits, we allow your business to outsource the day-to-day administration of your employee benefits.

We’ll handle everything, from employee queries to claims, all the way through to supporting you at your next benefits renewal. All we need is one monthly data upload from your HR team and we'll do the rest.


Powered by one monthly data feed to make life easy for your HR team

AllMyBenefits is powered by one monthly data feed, allowing you to spend less time on your employee benefits and more time on your people and business.

Each of your employee benefits has its structure programmed into AllMyBenefits, ensuring member data is always kept up-to-date with information from your HR and payroll systems.

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Get in touch to discover how AllMyBenefits can transform your employee benefits strategy

employee benefits renewals

Getting more value from your employee benefits renewals

Preparing for your next benefits renewals can be a daunting task. AllMyBenefits combines technology and our experts to deliver a seamless and efficient data process that makes benefits renewals more manageable, less time consuming and a more valuable exercise. With the power of AllMyBenefits data insights, we'll help you to get the best rates at your next renewal.

employee benefits data and consultancy

Insights into your employee benefits, like never before

AllMyBenefits allows you to monitor your schemes throughout the year, giving you access to meaningful MI such as engagement levels, current benefit costs and how your current offering is being used.

By analysing all your benefits together, we can gain valuable insights about your current strategy and make recommendations to ensure that you are maximising value from your programme. We’ll help you understand trends amongst your workforce and the changes you may need to make to your benefits provision.